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We’ll all get through this together!

Throughout history, we have repeatedly seen that tragedy, disaster, and times of great difficulty have the ability to bring people together around a common goal.

Here in the U.S., we have most frequently seen this at a city level. When the Marathon bombing happened in Boston, the city came together around the concept of “Boston Strong”. When Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, folks united to support one another under the tagline “Houston Strong”. After the Las Vegas shooting, people rallied around the slogan “Vegas Strong”. These are only three examples, but they each show how a simple 2-word phrase can come to represent the strength of a city, and its ability to overcome challenges.

So, we need a similarly simple rallying cry now. However, the current challenge, COVID-19, is global. All people around the world are fighting this common enemy. No matter your country, color, religion, wealth, or gender, you are at risk. And never in our lifetimes have we seen such a clear example of how our individual actions directly impact not only people nearby, but also people in other parts of the world.

What, then, shall be our rallying cry? Since Coronavirus is an attack on all humanity, then to fight it we need to be HUMANITY STRONG.

Let’s use this global crisis as the catalyst to bring us all closer together, and truly recognize that we really are “all in it together”. Today, the immediate “it” in that phrase is the battle against COVID-19. But “it” can soon be any of a number of other existential threats to humanity. And if we learn from our current situation and collective challenge, then we’ll know in our now more empathetic hearts that together we can get through anything.